#womenandscience All content on the topic womenandscience: Her city’s digital twin From riddles to cryptography Boosting battery power “Philanthropy brings more empowerment into the system” “The elite tiers of research are similar to elite sports” “Sharing my good fortune” Infected by optimism Solving the mystery of life Understanding distant worlds “The Excellence Scholarship shaped my life at a key m… “When beneficiaries become supporters – it’s the nicest tha… “Smart people are among the most important resources of a c… Understanding climate change in the oceans Virtual design for real-world buildings Stable prospects Two materials scientists are up for the challenge At robot training camp Investing in the here and now Female stem pioneer A powerful force in renewable energies Science artworks for a good cause “At ETH Zurich I learned how to give my all – and how to ta… “Seeing talented young people so eager to conduct research … Involved on multiple levels “I’m surprised that this hasn’t been around for a long time… Strong networks Tanja Stadler receives Rössler Prize 2022 Mediating between medicine and data science Hoping to heal A critical view of the engine room Connected to ETH over three generations Searching for ways to make the biggest impact From primary healthcare to nanobots The sky’s the limit on healthy soil Donor portrait of Therese Adam: Working for peace The future draws nearer Breaking new ground In her element Donor portrait of Germaine J. F. Seewer: Citizen in uniform Chemist and dedicated proofreader Biologist Paola Picotti wins the Rössler Prize 2020 The data hunter Show that you care! Her algorithm is helping children with cerebral palsy Boosting my self-confidence