ETH Zurich Foundation, Support in your name

Support in your name

Promote a cause close to your heart

Whether in the form of a donation, a legacy or a bequest; whether you’d like to provide support more generally or quite specifically – it is always possible to set up your own named fund. For example, the “Joanna Smith Fund for the Promotion of Outstanding Female Students” or the “John Smith Fund to Promote Climate Research”.

We will provide regular updates on the supported projects and the fund’s finances. We will also give your named fund the level of publicity you wish.

We thank you for your confidence.

Your contacts

Nathalie Sommer | ETH Zurich Foundation, Support in your name

Nathalie Sommer
Legacies & Philanthropy
+41 44 633 36 36

Dr Donald Tillman | ETH Zurich Foundation, Support in your name

Dr Donald Tillman
Managing Director
+41 44 633 69 66