ETH Zurich Foundation, In memoriam donations

In memoriam donations

Donations in lieu of flowers


If you do not want people to send flowers or wreaths to mark your loved one’s passing, you could suggest a donation to the ETH Zurich Foundation in their memory instead.

For obituary announcements we recommend the following language:

„In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to ETH Zurich Foundation, Weinbergstr. 29, 8006 Zurich, IBAN CH87 0483 5027 0482 3100 0, Memo: In memory of [name of the deceased]”

Please let us know the name of the deceased and the intended purpose of the donations. An acknowledgment letter will be sent to all donors.

Account details ETH Zurich Foundation
(for gifts in Swiss Francs)

Name of bank to wire funds: Credit Suisse AG, 8070 Zurich
IBAN: CH87 0483 5027 0482 3100 0

Account number: 270482-31
Clearing-Nr.: 4835
Postkonto CS: 80-500-4

Elisabeth Wintzler | ETH Zurich Foundation, In memoriam donations

Your contact

Elisabeth Wintzler
+41 44 632 48 48