Tanja Stadler receives Rössler Prize 2022
Mathematician and biostatistician Tanja Stadler received this year’s Rössler Prize for her achievements. Worth 200,000 Swiss francs, it is ETH Zurich’s most generous research award. The tribute took place at the ETH Foundation’s Thanks Giving event.
Tanja Stadler is a professor at the ETH Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering in Basel. She explains her area of research using a tree as an illustration. During reproduction, genetic information changes – branching out like the boughs of a tree. “I answer biological questions by reconstructing the tree from genetic sequences and then calculating the biological processes from that,” she says. This approach is applicable to all areas of biology, including viruses that mutate and ecosystems that evolve through time.
For her outstanding scientific achievements Tanja Stadler received this year’s Rössler Prize at the ETH Foundation’s Thanks Giving event.
The Prize will be awarded for the 14th time this year. “When I look at the list of colleagues who have received this award in the past, it fills me with pride. It is an honour, and a very generous donation from someone who supports science out of their own pocket because of personal conviction,” Tanja Stadler says.
The award for outstanding young ETH professors in the expansion phase of their careers is made possible by a gift to the ETH Foundation from ETH alumnus Max Rössler.