Infected by optimism

© ETH Foundation / Valeriano Di Domenico
Infected by optimism
Some things are made for each other: like the Ernst Göhner Foundation and the talented researchers at ETH it chooses to fund. Patricia Kopp gives us the background story.
Who was Ernst Göhner?
Ernst Göhner was born into simple circumstances in 1900 and was still young when, due to his father’s early death, he took over the family’s carpentry and glazing business in Seefeld, Zurich. He turned it into a huge company that operated as a general contractor and a pioneer in prefabricated construction. Ernst Göhner lived modestly and did a lot of good with his fortune during his lifetime, including setting up his foundation in 1957. He was a philanthropist and wanted, among other things, to support as many young people as possible and fuel their burning passion.
What does the Ernst Göhner Foundation support today?
We support four areas: culture, environment, social affairs, and the combined field of education and science. All funding areas are equally important, but of course I find “my” subject the most interesting (laughs). It’s very diverse and includes education and training, vocational training, young entrepreneurship and research. From lectures at schools to complex research projects, there’s room for everything.
“We’re connected to ETH by a long-standing partnership based on mutual trust.”
How do you see the relationship between the Ernst Göhner Foundation and the ETH Foundation?
Switzerland is dependent on innovation, which is why we work with ETH Zurich and other universities. Due to the inherent complexity of some of the topics addressed by the universities, it’s important that we can count on a bridge builder between us and the institution. From the funding projects available at ETH, the ETH Foundation makes a pre-selection for us, which is very helpful: thanks to the many years of working closely together, we can rely on a good alignment between the projects they propose and our foundation‘s purpose.

Your foundation is currently supporting the project led by young entrepreneur Julia Carpenter – why do you see it as promising?
I think her idea of using ultra-porous metal foams to cool electronic devices is as ingenious as it is simple. After looking at her documentation, I wanted to visit the materials scientist in her lab so that she could show me how the metal foam is made and processed. Julia’s palpable passion and the enthusiasm displayed by her team were totally infectious. It’s clear to us that her invention will find extremely useful forms of application.
We had the pleasure of welcoming you among our guests at this year‘s Meet the Talent event – what impression did the talented beneficiaries leave on you?
I remember the three speakers as particularly multi-faceted individuals. It was interesting to learn how they’d come up with their ideas, what they’d already done and what goals they were pursuing. Their optimism and enthusiasm put a spring in my step as I made my way home. I think that many more people should get involved and attend such events. It changes the way you look at what’s happening in the world today and makes you aware that alongside the many crises and challenges we all face, there are also many talented young people out there working to change things for the better.