ETH Zurich Foundation, Uplift: Knowledge transfer

Knowledge transfer

ETH Zurich Foundation, Uplift: Knowledge transfer

Vanessa Wood

Vice President for Knowledge Transfer and Corporate Relations ETH Zurich

Strengthening our engagement with society

ETH Zurich is committed to serving society. For this to happen, it’s essential that research findings and insights move out of the labs and into practical applications. Moreover, to keep pace with rapid technological change, this transfer must be as direct and intensive as possible. That’s why ETH engages with partners across all sectors where it can both make an impact and where it can learn – whether in industry, politics or society, or in hospitals and healthcare – and across all levels, from regional to international.

The articles in this edition provide vivid illustrations: discover how Grace Kagho, a researcher funded by donors, aims to use her digital transport models to introduce sustainable urban planning in low-income countries. Learn from former Federal Chancellor Walter Thurnherr what it takes for science and politics to work hand in hand. And hear from ETH alumnus Walter Fust about why, after a highly successful business career, he’s now dedicating his energies to advancing the next generation.

To build her models, Grace Kagho needs as much high-quality data as possible, using sources such as databases, traffic counts, satellite images and surveys.
© ETH Foundation / Daniel Winkler

Her city’s digital twin

Grace Kagho set up UrbanEcho to create the basis for sustainable urban planning in low-income countries. Her goal: a detailed digital twin of cities and their residents.         read more

© Samuel Trümpy

Self-driven success

Before founding a company that became known throughout Switzerland, he studied mechanical engineering with clear passion: Walter Fust talks about his career, his calling and his lifelong connection to ETH Zurich.         read more

© Samuel Trümpy
The greatest beneficiaries of this strategic partnership are civilians, particularly those in the global south.
© Illustration, KI: Kristina Milkovic

For technology-based social innovation

Die ETH Zürich will mit ihrem Wissens- und Technologietransfer zur Lösung globaler Probleme beitragen.         read more

© Annick Ramp, NZZ

“Reconnecting two worlds”

Former long-serving Swiss Federal Chancellor Walter Thurnherr is now supporting the creation of the ETH School of Public Policy. In this new role, he’s looking to foster a better understanding between science and politics.         read more

© ETH Zürich / Daniel Winkler

When clinic and research work hand in hand

The MedLab Fellowships give outstanding young doctors the chance to research in an ETH lab – a true success story.         read more

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