ETH Zurich Foundation, Collegium Helveticum

Collegium Helveticum

Interdisciplinary approaches for sustainable solutions


In academia, the interconnection of disciplines frequently paves the way for groundbreaking discoveries. Therefore, the natural sciences, engineering, medical, humanities, and social sciences engage in dialogue at the Collegium Helveticum with fields such as architecture, design, and art. Serving as both a meeting point and a global forum, this institution disrupts conventional thought patterns and fosters forward-thinking ideas.

Accelerate interdisciplinary ideas

Make a gift

Our goal

At the Collegium Helveticum, both emerging and established researchers and artists from around the globe are given the freedom they need to re-examine pressing contemporary and future issues from new perspectives, explore innovative solutions, and cultivate their research viewpoints. The aim is to inject fresh ideas into science and research and to develop cutting-edge solutions for the urgent challenges of our times.

Your support enables

  • fellowships for emerging talents and researchers in a broad range of themes;
  • Civil Society Fellowships for executives;
  • Global South Fellowships to support talents from less privileged societies;
  • enhanced international dialogue and cross-disciplinary interaction.
ETH Zurich Foundation, Collegium Helveticum

Collegium Helveticum

Founded in 1997 by ETH Zurich, the Collegium Helveticum was established as a forum for dialogue among academic disciplines. Today, it stands as a beacon of international visibility and is currently the sole Institute for Advanced Study in Switzerland modelled after the renowned IAS in Princeton, USA. Alongside ETH Zurich, the University of Zurich and the Zurich University of the Arts are now also involved. The Collegium is located in the former Federal Semper Observatory, close to the universities.
Dr Mathias Terheggen | ETH Zurich Foundation, Collegium Helveticum

Your contact

Dr Mathias Terheggen
+41 44 633 69 62