ETH Zurich Foundation, Rehab Initiative

Rehab Initiative

For a world in which disability makes no difference


Going to work, shopping, doing sport or simply climbing stairs – for patients with neuromuscular injuries and people with physical disabilities, everyday activities can pose major challenges. Painstaking research, state-of-the-art assistive technologies and increased public awareness of rehabilitation-related issues could make life much easier for many people.

Shaping the future

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Our goal

Improved medical care and a better quality of life are the goals of the Rehab Initiative: everyone should be able to participate in occupational and social life. What makes this initiative unique is the holistic and interdisciplinary approach along the continuum-of-care – from basic scientific research through clinical and everyday applications to societal and economic impact. In short, rehabilitation of the future is user- and patient-centred.

The Competence Centre for Re­habilitation Engineering and Science (RESC) coordinates and strengthens the Rehab Initiative. As a network of exper­tise from academia, hospitals, industry, government, healthcare, disability organisations, and other NPOs, the centre promotes exchange, interdisciplinary research projects, innovative educa­tion programmes and knowledge transfer.

Your support enables

  • additional professorships and (post-)doctoral research positions in the various areas of rehabilitation and inclusion;
  • specialised education programmes on rehabilitation and inclusion;
  • the reinforcement of Zurich’s position as a world-leading rehabilitation research hub.
Dr Markus Gut | ETH Zurich Foundation, Rehab Initiative

Your contact

Dr Markus Gut
+41 44 633 69 55