#donor All content on the topic donor: Self-driven success “ETH is a place that inspires me” Seeing-eye canes and robotic guide dogs “Education is the foundation for a strong society” Fuelling a spirit of inquiry New bonds “Philanthropy brings more empowerment into the system” “The elite tiers of research are similar to elite sports” Switching sides Meet the Talent 2024 Annual report: Saying thank you 3500 times From Zurich to Murray Hill Infected by optimism Unlocking potential “Our contributions should benefit all of society, beyond na… “Smart people are among the most important resources of a c… Private philanthropy supporting the next generation of peac… “Every structure deserves a digital twin” “ETH is an engine of innovation that drives prosperity in S… Building better with robots “ETH has provided me with an excellent education – and frie… “What’s great about young ETH entrepreneurs is the sheer en… “Philanthropy is my lifeblood” “Innovation requires a vision and a lot of action. That mak… “With our support we want to make sure ETH has the sc… “Our freedom and health can be taken from us, but not… “ETH taught us how to be disciplined and pragmatic – and mu… Investing in the here and now Female stem pioneer Science artworks for a good cause “At ETH Zurich I learned how to give my all – and how to ta… “It’s inspiring to see how talented researchers are advanci… “Seeing talented young people so eager to conduct research … “I’d like to help keep a good thing going” Time to look back The thrill of pushing boundaries Meet the Talent 2022 Connected to ETH over three generations Revolution on a plate The joy of giving back Philanthropy across borders and generations Philanthropy is about empowerment Donor portrait of Therese Adam: Working for peace Breaking new ground “ETH has shaped my life” A perfect match Recognising the finite nature of existence “I’m passionate about ETH!” Show that you care! Getting involved at the heartbeat of time